jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

The social problems in mexico

there is little social credibility that the management of the law is inparcial. This belief is the crime numerous times in which the offender rather than punishment there is the phrase that "all Mexicans they forget" not imprtant how serious the offense.

Transparency International puts us in 59 place of corruption worldwide.

You people are tired and not believes in the institutions or in politics to solve problems. Even in the last elections many people abstained from voting. feel making fun of them because they do not take into account their vote because of criminal acts that have occurred in recent elections.

and I wonder what you can do about to do the government's political institutions that people believe in them again?

9 comentarios:

  1. well this problem is very difficult but I think the people dont belive in institution and the politics is because themselves do the same corruption, maybe less, but is corruption.
    the people must be honest, start by ourselves, and try make change the mentality and then maybe we can have a good country.

  2. The problem is not a problem of the police, or bad politicians, it’s a problem from our leaders and rulers, everyone knows that all the governors of Durango have stolen money and are the most corrupt of all. Therefore, we must have started cleaning our own governors, investigating all public servants and say to them all who aren’t clean “you fired” like say Donald Trump in his show

  3. one possible solution is to train police for a period of five years with courses in ethics and social values among others. for better performance.

  4. Noel commented my companion as effectively as we do not trust the police, but there is still something to be done as I proposed,
    about what I comment isis of politicians because politicians would be good to hire from another country to bring us a sample of how to govern Mexico.

  5. Well i think that is a very complicate problem, is abot all the society...
    we needed a integral solution, whit all of posible solutions who say my partners...
    but definitely i consider it of prime importance in the new generations to instill a different ideology, maybe using the television programs, activities in the schools, etc.

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Is actually much corruption in Mexico and most of the time they were made to the authorities blame,without we ourselves do veer corruption in a society that clings change yourself first
    and not expect the authorities will do everything and do our part too.

    My solution would be:

    begin to change yourself, not being involved in corruption and for that you have to be responsible for their own actions.

  8. Because sadly here in Mexico himself ah adopted like a custom or like a fact that splits form of culture for several factors them as they are for the hushed education that we have embraced, our governing body's desire of power in our hands and on whole that the pricing of the goods increase and it but obvious increase comes from the gasoline that he enlarges every month and is it what else it is used because he is it what else we consumed and the salary never increases and this provokes the corruption at the country furthermore!!

    change the mentality of the all people first for the governing is the principal!!

  9. I think than the corruption to been forever but now not only that common for the crisis that we are being taken as a for to want to solve the cats than the government to increased day with day and swim of salary increase for what he induces to what else people hope to to him to be able to not complete needs that they satisfy themselves and for that reason there are plenty of bribes and that sees itself but common he is transit that the no more stop it of one accord to take out money
