jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

The social problems in mexico

there is little social credibility that the management of the law is inparcial. This belief is the crime numerous times in which the offender rather than punishment there is the phrase that "all Mexicans they forget" not imprtant how serious the offense.

Transparency International puts us in 59 place of corruption worldwide.

You people are tired and not believes in the institutions or in politics to solve problems. Even in the last elections many people abstained from voting. feel making fun of them because they do not take into account their vote because of criminal acts that have occurred in recent elections.

and I wonder what you can do about to do the government's political institutions that people believe in them again?

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

we are going to speculate. wath step ?

I think that the man than was killed was the lover and her husband was discovered and was both his anger wihch does wath he could control them and start to fight but the husband was more aviv took a knife and the killed

are you doing?

I think that this person desente works of bodyguards and this tending the cart of his boss for that it is not steal or you step something bad to his head

and you think ?

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010


I think the cat ate a bomb and is about to explode and that's why they try to trap or the cat is such that if he gets angry hulk transforms into a killer wore and why they want it or you might catch the cat aya being in a scene of crime and want him as Tetig

What you see?

the truth is that at first I saw young woman young and elegant, but if you put attention lookes a old woman similar a the witch of blanca nievez. Can you see?


The makeup is good for de women helps them look better to hide your true appearance, and even they can play with his age to be either younger or large using makeup "BUT CAUTION MEN NEVER KNOW WHO IS A WAKE UP IN YOUR BED WUNGER"

continuing marketing

The truth is very interestin and fun that work well but not everyone can exercice for example i havent´t the actitud if the blog is hard for my as it must be very creative innovators etc some strange and crazy